Tag Archives: Dave Ramsey

Company Culture As A Sales Tool

EntreLeadership-PodcastI was recently listening to Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership podcast about his no gossip policy, and it really hit home for me.

The discussion turned to company culture with podcast moderator Chris LoCurto interviewing best-selling author Jon Gordon. Not only have I worked in worked in good and bad cultures, I’ve also seen how a company can leverage its culture as a sales tool.

Case Study

Electri-Flex is a suburban Chicago-based company that specializes in producing electrical conduit. The leadership and employees there are passionate about their product, but maybe even more so about their culture.

We produced their company video. They wanted something their sales team could carry with them to show prospects what they’re all about, and culture is the focus of the video.

My initial reaction to their pitch was skepticism. Then they started telling me how important their culture is to sales. It’s a family business. They treat their employees like family, so the employees treat customers like family.

Everyone has bought in, and it fuels the entire company.

It has been a while since we produced that video. Since then, I’ve pitched the idea of featuring company culture to a few other prospects, but nobody has been willing to bite. I wonder why more business leaders aren’t willing to put their culture front and center for customers to see?

Maybe it’s because they need some work on that end of their company.

–Tony Gnau

Dave Ramsey’s Daughter Ditches Radio For Video

I’m a big Dave Ramsey fan. My wife and I started on his financial plan when we got engaged, and we haven’t looked back.

If you’re not familiar with Dave, he’s a financial counselor who’s spread his vision and brand via a hugely popular, nationally syndicated talk radio show and best-selling books.

While those mediums have been a big part of his success, his daughter is going a different route… VIDEO.

Move Over Radio, Hello Video

Rachel Cruz is the face of FoundationsU, Dave’s financial curriculum for college students and young adults. How’s she communicating with her audience? YouTube videos via a vlog.

What’s significant about that? Rachel is the next generation of Dave’s company, and she and their team clearly understand they’re gunning for a different audience. Instead of being stuck on past mediums, they’re turning where these new followers reside… the internet.

The company is moving forward and not stuck in the past. While radio and print have served the brand well, they have embraced digital marketing and all it offers. No doubt, video is a HUGE part of it.

Learn From Dave And Rachel

Your company might be doing well. It might even be a success, but if you want it to continue to grow… watch those companies already growing and take some notes.

Dave and Rachel see value in video… do you?

–Tony Gnau

PR/Marketing Videos That Target HEARTS & Minds

I watched a video yesterday produced by financial planning expert Dave Ramsey about the types of insurance he thinks everyone should own. It wasn’t a PR or marketing video, but the end of it really reinforced one of my biggest beliefs.

Dave is a master at his craft. He’s a nationally syndicated radio host, best-selling author, and a terrific on-stage performer. During the video, he spent about an hour speaking to an audience and giving them all sorts of facts and figures about insurance.  Health, long-term disability, life insurance… just a few that he was advocating.

He made a lot of great points, but he closed the video with a personal story that drove home his message. It was about a 28 year-old man who had started following Dave’s financial plan, which included getting insurance, only to find out a short while later he had a fatal disease. It was an amazing story, and trust me if anyone watching was still on the fence about getting insurance, they were probably on the phone with their insurance agent as soon as they finished.

Think about that. An hour of solid facts and figures, but it was a short personal story that really grabbed me as an audience member. You might have a cerebral case for why people should use your product or service, but your marketing video better target people’s hearts.

–Tony Gnau

Wondering About Animation Effectiveness

To animate, or not to animate… I’m not sure where I stand with this question. Now, I’m not referring to cartoon-style animation. This is more of a speaking PowerPoint on steroids.

Here’s an example of one of my favorites: Dave Ramsey-Drive Free, Retire Rich

I do like this sort of thing, but is it as effective as video? Does it connect with an audience the same way video does?

I’m thinking “yes,” but only in certain instances. In the case of the above example, I think it’s a great way to illustrate numbers.

Could it have other applications where it’s equally as effective?

–Tony Gnau

Always Educate Yourself

I’ll tell you what… I know a lot about storytelling… enough to teach a class. I better. It’s my profession… my passion.

Business on the other hand? I’m still learning. Which is why I continue to pour through business books, read Seth Godin daily, listen to Dave Ramsey, and constantly look for innovative ways to better T60 as an organization.

We’re getting a little help with that. Earlier this year T60 opened its doors to business students at Kendall College who spent a quarter evaluating our company. Today, we get to hear their assessment on where we are and where they think we can go.

Ready to be a student again?

–Tony Gnau